Digital money, what it is about and how to learn to earn money

Digital money, what it is about and how to learn to earn money

Currently there are many platforms that offer digital banking wallets, that is to say that it works to maintain, receive and send money but they will only be digital transactions. This means that they do not exist in a physical way but exclusively online.

In recent times, interest in investing in cryptocurrencies has grown exponentially, especially in Latin American countries where inflation reduces the monthly money earned. So many people prefer to invest in cryptos, to support capital.

However, this is not entirely a reliable tool, that is, the financial market is volatile. The financial systems present fluctuations in their currencies and it is not always possible to obtain profits or the same amount invested in the currency will be maintained.

-- Patrocinado --

What are cryptocurrencies?

To begin with, what you have to know is that cryptocurrency is digital money. That means that it does not exist in a physical way, but online. Basically it is a type of alternative currency or digital currency. It is also called cryptocurrency, a word that comes from the English cryptocurrency, cryptoactive or simply virtual currency.

 How do cryptocurrencies work?

Cryptocurrencies can be transferred to anyone through an online transaction. This without the need for an intermediary, such as a bank. They can also be used to make payments.

However, some people buy them as an investment, hoping that they will increase in value. As already indicated, it is important to keep in mind that the value of a cryptocurrency is constantly changing.

In other words, if you are going to make an investment with any cryptocurrency, you have to be aware that the currency can have a value of thousands of dollars, and tomorrow it could be worth only hundreds of dollars. If the value goes down, there is no guarantee that it will go back up. Investing in cryptocurrency is a medium or long-term investment.

-- Patrocinado --

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